connecting locally...reaching globally...

Welcome and thank you for visiting our Fivefold Foundation Ministries, and Wellsprings of Life Christian Fellowship website. We welcome you as you search for Holy Bible truths in your journey of faith and salvation. Our churches and world outreach attempt to promote what is termed as a "fivefold ministry" focus in our biblical doctrines and church ministry approach. We believe in the discerning and acceptance of the five Christ given ministry callings of the apostle, prophet, teacher, pastor, and evangelist. (Ephesians 4:8) These should function as a multiple callings ministry and eldership, which will include elders which are not of the "five" callings. (1Timothy 3:1) All of these elders are to be received and released in the feeding and the overseeing of the flock. We also strive for what we scripturally see portrayed in the church body ministry, as all work to be involved in building Christ's church. This includes local church body and outreach, as well as the supporting of and sending ministries worldwide. We fully believe that what we read in the New Testament should also be our experience today.
Our Mission
Our hearts and mission are to worship and glorify our Savior God and Lord Jesus Christ, by building His church that salvation reaches as many as possible. To accomplish this we desire to build ministry and churches that reflect the New Testament teachings and examples with the same results. Our God has not changed. May we believe in and demonstrate His love, Holy Spirit power and grace.
Services and classes are held in the sanctuary.
Sunday Morning services at 10:00AM
Tuesday night bible study and worship at 7:00PM